You Are The Rock! | Karunyans | Songs of Praise & Worship from 1990s | Audio Only | Christian Songs

Karunya Institute of Technology

| Kurien Kurien | Karkuzhali V.R. | Jemima J. | Mary Metilda | Dayamrutha | Neena T. Jacob | Annie Mathew | Special Messages & Prayers by: Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Instrumentalists: Gem Gabriel, Jeson Lal, Rufus Samuel, Ajay Kumar Raja

Guest Artists: Daniel Christian, Nelson, M. Benjamin, Vinodhini

Record & Mixed By: Heflin Josiah Raj, Lysander Suthan P., Raja Vassanthan J., Fexix C.

Coordinator: J.R.B. Rajkumar, Chadwick Samuel

Special Thanks to: Bro. G.L.B. Ernest, S. Boaz

For who is God, except the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God? Psalm 18:31

Audio catalog is available @

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