Judgement நியாயதீர்ப்பு

An attorney defends a Christian extremist accused of crimes against humanity.

Watch “Judgement” movie @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5JsnqVM9Vd6_RBzQa-88xbhYuQqpAeLM

For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. 2 John 2:7

DVD movie “நியாயதீர்ப்பு“(Judgement dubbed in Tamil) is available for free (with refundable deposit) lending within India. To receive, check out details @ https://cmedialending.in/example-to-take-a-video-made-in-india/

Video catalog is available @ https://cmedialending.in/videos/

Kindly pray for Dehradun, Details @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sn2-ZFcolk.

Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. Psalm1;5

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